2024.06.03 (월)

National Palace Museum of Korea to Extend Special Exhibition Military Rituals through March 28
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National Palace Museum of Korea to Extend Special Exhibition Military Rituals through March 28



The National Palace Museum of Korea (Director: Kim Dong-Young), an affiliate of the Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea, is extending its special exhibition Military Rituals ? Symbol of the Joseon Dynasty’s Military Power. The exhibition will be extended beyond its original closing date of March 1 and is now open through March 28.

This special exhibition opened on January 19. It offers a comprehensive overview of the military rites of the Joseon era by bringing together 176 items, including armor and helmets worn by soldiers, a diverse range of weapons, and colorful military flags. It has been met with a positive response from the public as a unique exhibition demonstrating how the dynasty was governed not only by civil officials, but also through military power and related rites. It has also been popular following a temporary closure to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 
* National Palace Museum of Korea Website: www.gogung.go.kr

Visitors are required to have timed reservations to see the exhibition. Reservations can be made online on the museum’s website or at the on-site ticket office. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the number of visitors will be limited to 100 per hour and 900 per day. To ensure a safe environment for all, the museum has the following additional protocols: individual tours only (no group visits allowed); check of face covering and temperature at entry; and maintain one-way paths in the galleries. 

For those unable to visit the gallery in person, the exhibition can be enjoyed online on the museum website through virtual reality (VR) content and special lectures. The exhibition can also be explored in videos of views of the installations and curator-led tours posted on the YouTube channels of the Cultural Heritage Administration and the National Palace Museum of Korea.

* National Palace Museum of Korea YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/gogungmuseum
Cultural Heritage Administration YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/chluvu